Feng Shui Service

India’s Leading Feng Shui Expert Dr. Piyhalli Roy Gupta

Rectify your properties from the geopathic stress and achieve prosperity and peace in life under the guidance of –

Feng shui, also called Chinese geomancy, is an ancient traditional Chinese art of arranging properties, spaces, and objects in an environment to make things auspicious by achieving optimal harmony and balance with the energy forces of surroundings.

The rules of feng shui are based on the principles of vital life forces that inhabit every object. As per Feng shui experts, it is a process of balancing these life forces through improving the flow of positive energies and keeping away the negative ones by arranging decorations, buildings, furniture, and even the entire area in an auspicious way.

feng shui expert - Piyhalli Roygupta

Scanning your properties and arranging things according to the rules of a feng shui expert can help you increase positive energy flows that could ensure good health, speed up prosperity, improve relationships, and increase peace of mind.

Feng shui rules also help find out and address geopathic stress in an environment. Geopathic stress is the electromagnetic radiation that comes from the earth’s core. Geopathic stress has been described to have harmful effects on the human body and mind. Feng shui can be applied to rectify geopathic stress which is one of the major underlying causes of physical and mental disbalances.

Benefits and Advantages of Feng Shui

According to Feng shui experts, it can help you in many ways. Since the benefits and advantages of feng shui are huge, it’s necessarily not possible to mention them all here. Some of the most sought-after benefits are as follows.

Feng shui experts may help you in:

  • Enhancing wealth
  • Finding life partners
  • Career stability and advancements
  • Creating and maintaining healthy relationships
  • Preventing health issues and improving health conditions
  • Expanding and improving social connections
  • Increasing energy levels and motivation
  • Preventing unpleasant financial issues
  • Avoiding bad spirits and ghosts
  • Improving emotional stability and temper
  • Improving learning capabilities
  • Improving personal as well as home security
  • Creating a better environment for child growth